Month: January 2016


Lord, I’m Yours: The Life of Billy Graham

Join us as we explore the life of one of God’s faithful servants, Billy Graham…


Prejudice by Association

The sound of her name made me recoil. I knew the strong testimony of the well-known speaker and had no justifiable reason to avoid her podcasts. My disgust had nothing to do with her or the worthy cause she represented. I’d been hurt by someone who idolized her, so my prejudice came because of her association with that individual.

Poem: By Your Side

By your side
There is peace,
A quiet place
Of beauty and realization,
Where wisdom
Seeks reason and understanding,
Where myth is laid to rest
By the reality of knowledge.

Lessons for Little Ones

When my daughter described a problem she was having in the school lunchroom, I immediately wondered how I could fix the issue for her. But then another thought occurred. Maybe God had allowed the problem so she could see Him at work and get to know Him better. Instead of running to the rescue, I decided to pray with her. The trouble cleared up without any help from me!

This situation showed my little one that God cares for her, that He listens when she prays, and that He answers prayers. The Bible says there’s something significant about learning these lessons…

Love can overcome our guilt and shame

When Christina became pregnant outside of marriage, she was surprised by her parents’ support. Still, shame consumed her until she experienced God’s forgiveness. When Sally embarked on a journey of self-discovery and got pregnant, she found herself alone and frightened until she found her true identity in Christ. Learn how God can turn the toughest situations around for good.

Discover the Living Word through the written Word

Today on “Discover the Word,” we conclude our week-long discussion about how the Bible helps us discover who God is. In the gospel of John, we read “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.” And then that Word came to dwell among us. The Word—is Jesus. Discovering the Living Word through the written Word. It’s a powerful truth that will transform how you read the Bible.

Radical Love

Early in his career, former Ku Klux Klan (a white supremacist group) leader Johnny Lee Clary met African-American Reverend Wade Watts at a radio station debate. “Hello Mr. Clary,” Reverend Watts said before they went on air. “I just want you to know that I love you and Jesus loves you.”

When Our Church Leaders Fail

Lately, news of church leaders’ failures have become common. We hear of pastors committing fraud, embezzling church money, or getting involved in scandals involving pornography or extramarital affairs.

5 Signs that We are Preoccupied with Ourselves

Let’s just be honest here: We’ve all got some narcissistic tendencies. No one’s exempt. That being said, I don’t mean to offend anyone with the points below; hopefully, they serve as useful indicators to help us identify these tendencies and nip them in the bud.

A Prisoner No More

A middle-aged man approached me after I led a workshop at his place of employment and asked this question: “I’ve been a Christian nearly my whole life, but I’m constantly disappointed in myself. Why is it that I always seem to keep doing the things I wish I didn’t do and never seem to do the things I know I should? Isn’t God getting tired of me?” Two men standing next to me also seemed eager to hear the response. 

That’s a common struggle that even the apostle Paul experienced. “I do not understand what I do,” he said, “For what…

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When our understanding of God is challenged

While the Bible instructs us in practical living, it’s also a book of mystery. With God, A plus B doesn’t always equal C! Today on “Discover the Word,” we’re told how to deal with those times when what we thought we understood about God is challenged!

Fires and Faith

If I’m hiking and camping out for several days, campfires are vital. And the most important thing I carry with me as I begin each day is a handful of charred sticks from the previous night’s fire. They’re the very best fire starters—no need to find tinder or other sticks. I just spark the charred ends, blow on them, and pile on a few fresh logs.

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